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dc.contributor.authorИвашкевич, Олег Анатольевич-
dc.contributor.authorЛесникович, Анатолий Иванович-
dc.contributor.authorГапоник, Павел Николаевич-
dc.contributor.authorБалабанович, Александр Иванович-
dc.identifier.citationВыбраныя навуковыя працы Беларускага Дзяржаўнага універсітэта : У 7 т. Т. 5 : Хімія / Рэдкал.: В. В. Свірыдаў (адказ. рэд.) і інш. - Мінск, 2001. - с.337-352ru
dc.identifier.isbn985-445-534-3 (Т. 5)-
dc.description.abstractThe thermal decomposition of 5-aminotetrazole, l-methyl-5-aminotetrazole, 1,5-diaminotetrazole, poly-l-vinyl-5-aminotetrazole and sodium salt of 5-aminotetrazole have been studied by thermogravimetry, thermal volumetric analysis, DSC, DTA and EGA. Based on the content of products of thermal decomposition and the kinetic consideration, the mechanism of thermal decomposition of aminotetrazoles has been derived. Two routes of the splitting of tetrazole ring leading either to elimination nitrogen or hydrogen azide are suggested. It was assumed, that hydrogen azide splits out from the prothotropic forms of the tetrazole ring, which have hydrogen atoms by nitrogens in the ring. Experimental study as well as literature data on the amino-imino tautomerism are in agreement with the suggested mechanism of the decomposition of the tetrazole ring.ru
dc.publisherМінск : БДУru
dc.titleОсобенности термического разложения 5-аминотетразоловru
Appears in Collections:Избранные научные труды Белорусского государственного университета. Химия

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