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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Methods to reduce network load when transmitting computer images in real timeIvanov, A.; Assanovich, B.; Aleksyuk, D.
2016The algorithm for monitoring of evolution of stem cellsNedzvedz, O.; Ablameyko, Sergey V.; Belotserkovsky, A.
2016Neural networks and largest Lyapunov exponent for automatic epileptic seizure detection in EEGsGolovko, V.; Artsiomenka, S.; Kistsen, V.; Evstigneev, V.
2016Product stock management: "Calculating stock provision with triangular fuzzy numbers"Adriana Santos Caballero; Jaime Gil-Lafuente; Maria Luisa Sole Moro
2016Image stitching algorithm for description of integrated circuit layoutsAvakaw, S.; Doudkin, A.; Marushko, Ya.; Voronov, A.
2016Vascular structures extraction by background normalizationHancharou, D.; Nedzved, A.; Ablameyko, S. V.
2016Lung image Ssgmentation using deep learning methods and convolutional neural networksKalinovsky, A.; Kovalev, V.
2016Sensorical aspect of the temporal data architecture -- pointer layerKvet, M.; Matiasko, K.
2016Reversible image merging for low-level machine visionKharinov, M.
2016Reduction of the spectral feature space dimension in the multiclass problem of ECG-signals recognitionManilo, L.; Nemirko, A.
2016Development of machine vision-based system for Iron ore grade prediction using gaussian process regression (GPR)Ashok Kumar Patel; Amit Kumar Gorai; Snehamoy Chatterjee
2016Decision support systems and plant phenomicsValvachev, A. N.; Krasnoproshin, V. V.; Mikhalchenko, A. A.
2016High dynamic range SAR image compression for visualizationStarovoitov, V.
2016Research of recognition of the imposed flat objects on dimensionless marks of their contoursSadykov, S. S.; Kulkov, Y. Yu.
2016Efficient organization of rendering process on graphics pipelineKrasnoproshin, V. V.; Mazouka, D.
2016Superpixel co-occurrence for quantitative description of biomedical ImagesLiauchuk, V.; Kovalev, V.
2016Interpolating rational Bezier spline surfaces with local shape controlPobegailo, A. P.
2016On the smart trees and competence areas based decision forestDonskoy, V. I.
2016Ensembles of neural network for telemetry multivariate time series forecastingDoudkin, A.; Marushko, Y.
2016Identify diabetic retinopathy by color texturesHolly Vo; Abhishek Verma