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2016Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Theoretical and Applied Stochastics: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference (September 6-10, 2016, Minsk)-
6-Sep-2016Methodological Approaches to the Reflection of Environmental Assets in SEEA and NAMEASoshnikova, L. A.
6-Sep-2016Micro-Entities and Small Enterprises Surveys in BelarusBokun, N.
6-Sep-2016On Coincidences of Tuples in a Binary Tree with Randomly Labeled VerticesZubkov, A. M.; Kruglov, V. I.
6-Sep-2016On One Generalization of Markov Chain with Partial ConnectionsKharin, Yu. S.; Maltsew, M. V.
6-Sep-2016Lee Distance in Two-Sample Rank TestsNikolov, N. I.
6-Sep-2016Evaluation of Sequential Test Characteristics for Time Series with a TrendKharin, A.; Ton, T. T.
6-Sep-2016Forward Projection for High-Dimensional DataOrtner, T.; Filzmoser, P.; Brodinova, S.; Zaharieva, M.; Breiteneder, C.
6-Sep-2016Statistical Estimation and Testing of Turning Points in Multivariate Regime-Switching ModelsMalugin, V. I.; Novopoltsev, A. Yu.
6-Sep-2016On Robustness of Configuration Graphs with Random Node Degree DistributionLeri, M. M.
6-Sep-2016On Random Graphs in Random EnvironmentPavlov, Yu. L.
6-Sep-2016Performance Study of Linfoot’s Informational Correlation Coefficient and its ModificationShevlyakov, G. L.; Vasilevskiy, N. V.
6-Sep-2016On the Limit Distribution of the Maximum Vertex Degree in a Conditional Configuration GraphCheplyukova, I. A.
6-Sep-2016On Approximation of the Qn-estimate of Scale by Highly Robust and Efficient M-estimatesSmirnov, P. O.; Shirokov, I. S.; Shevlyakov, G. L.
6-Sep-2016Robust and Sparse Multiclass Classification by the Optimal Scoring ApproachHoffmann, I.; Filzmoser, P.; Croux, C.
6-Sep-2016Modern Empirical Likelihood ConceptsGurevich, G.; Vexler, A.; Zhao, Y.
6-Sep-2016Some Remarks on the Noncentral Pearson Statistics DistributionsFilina, M. V.; Zubkov, A. M.
6-Sep-2016Comparison of Partially Ranked ListsStoimenova, E.
6-Sep-2016Expected Error Rates in Classification of Gaussian CAR ObservationsDucinskas, K.; Dreiziene, L.
6-Sep-2016A Rank-Sum Test for Clustered Data When the Number of Subjects in a Group within a Cluster is InformativeDatta, Somnath; Dutta, Sandipan