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Title: Сравнительный геоморфологический анализ рельефа ландшафтов Германии и Беларуси в границах Поозёрского (Вайхзельского) оледенения.
Authors: Кузьмин, С. И.
Issue Date: 2002
Citation: Вестник БГУ, Сер.2, Химия. Биология. География. – Мн., 2002 г., № 2, С. 84-92.
Abstract: Results of comparative analysis of the relief of even-aged landscapes of Germany and Belarus within Weicsel-Poozyorye glaciation are adduced in the article. Problems of paleogeographical development of given territories are considered and similarities and differences of day surface forming during the last cover glaciation are analyzed. The newest relief structure of Byelorussian Poozyorye and Berlin - Brandenburg region is researched at the morphogenetic level.
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/161073
Registration number: УДК 551.4
Appears in Collections:Кафедра общего землеведения и гидрометеорологии (статьи)

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