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Title: Some neutron induced reaction cross-section calculations on 89Y
Authors: Kaplan, Abdullah
Şekerci, Mert
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Минск: Изд. центр БГУ
Citation: Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом = Interaction of Radiation with Solids: материалы 12-й Междунар. конф., Минск, Беларусь, 19—22 сент. 2017 г. / редкол.: В.В. Углов (отв.ред.) [и др.]. — Минск: Изд. центр БГУ, 2017. — С. 20-22.
Abstract: With the increasing energy demand, the nuclear power plants, where the working principle depends on the fission principle, becomes more important on the solution of energy production. To be able to run these facilities in steady conditions, many control and operation principles needed to be followed and one of them is the moderation of neutrons. In this study, reaction cross-section calculations have been performed by using two most known and verified calculation programs, which are TALYS and EMPIRE, for some neutron induced reactions on 89Y and the obtained results have been compared with the exist experimental data obtained from EXFOR database. The selection of the material as 89Y was due to its possible usage of neutron moderator material at fission reactors
Description: Секция 1. Процессы взаимодействия излучений и плазмы с твердым телом
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/182335
ISBN: 978-985-553-446-5
Appears in Collections:2017. Взаимодействие излучений с твердым телом = Interaction of Radiation with Solids

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