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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Ex vivo observation of granulocyte activity during thrombus formationMorozova, D. S.; Martyanov, A. A.; Obydennyi, S. I.; Korobkin J. D.; Sokolov, A. V.; Shamova, E. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Khoreva, A. L.; Shcherbina, A.; Panteleev, M. A.; Sveshnikova, A. N.
8-Apr-2019Protective effect of dinitrosyl iron complexes with glutathione in red blood cell lysis induced by hypochlorous acidShumaev, K. B.; Gorudko, I. V.; Kosmachevskaya, O. V.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Panasenko, O. M.; Vanin, A. F.; Topunov, A. F.; Terekhova, M. S.; Sokolov, A. V.; Cherenkevich, S. N.; Ruuge, E. K.
2019Effects of recombinant human lactoferrin on calcium signaling and functional responsesGrigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Shamova, E. V.; Terekhova, M. S.; Maliushkova, E. V.; Semak, I. V.; Cherenkevich, S. N.; Sokolov, A. V.; Timoshenko, A. V.
2022Fluorescent probes for HOCl detection in living cellsReut, V. E.; Gorudko, I. V.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Sokolov, A. V.; Panasenko, O. M.
2020The role of halogenative stress in atherogenic modification of low-density lipoproteinsPanasenko, O. M.; Torkhovskaya, T. I.; Gorudko, I. V.; Sokolov, A. V.
2021Gallocyanine as a fluorogen for the identification of NADPH-dependent production of superoxide anion radical by blood cellsPanasenko, O. M.; Reut, V. E.; Borodina, I. V.; Matyushkina, D. S.; Ivanov, V. A.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Sokolov, A. V.; Cherenkevich, S. N.
2024Effect of biopolymers and functionalized by them vaterite microparticles on platelet aggregationGrigorieva, D. V.; Mikhalchik, E. V.; Balabushevich, N. G.; Mosievich, D. V.; Murina, M. A.; Panasenko, O. M.; Sokolov, A. V.; Gorudko, I. V.
2022Lactoferrin modified by hypohalous acids: Partial loss in activation of human neutrophilsGrigorieva, D. V.; Gorudko, I. V.; Grudinina, N. A.; Panasenko, O .M.; Semak, I. V.; Sokolov, A. V.; Timoshenko, A. V.
2022New application of the commercially available dye celestine blue B as a sensitive and selective fluorescent “turn-on” probe for endogenous detection of HOCl and reactive halogenated speciesReut, V. E.; Kozlov, S. O.; Kudryavtsev, I. V.; Grudinina, N. A.; Kostevich, V. A.; Gorbunov, N. P.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Kalvinkovskaya, J. A.; Bushuk, S. B.; Varfolomeeva, E. Y.; Fedorova, N. D.; Gorudko, I. V.; Panasenko, O. M.; Vasilyev, V. B.; Sokolov, A. V.
2022Structure-biological activity relationships of myeloperoxidase to effect on platelet activationGorudko, I. V.; Grigorieva, D. V.; Shamova, E. V.; Gorbunov, N. P.; Kokhan, A. U.; Kostevich, V. A.; Vasilyev, V. B.; Panasenko, O. M.; Khinevich, N. V.; Bandarenka, H. V.; Burko, A. A.; Sokolov, A. V.