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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Properties of lead sulfide films deposited from [Pb(CH3COO)2(N2H4CS)2] complex compoundOvechkina, N. M.; Lukin, A. N.; Semenov, V. N.; Fedukin, A. V.; Nikitin, L. N.
2015Instruments and chemical sensors for the control of gases leaks on the enterprises of “Belneftekhim” concern for oil and chemistryKarkotsky, G. F.; Tsabkala, Zh. A.; Mychko, D. I.
2015Catalytic properties features of perovskite-type ferrites in dry (carbon dioxide) methane reformingKryuchkova, T. A.; Khairullina, I. A.; Sheshko, T. F.; Serov, Y. M.
2015The application of perovskite-type ferrites in the catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monooxideSheshko, T. F.; Serov, Y. M.; Dementieva, M. V.; Shulga, A.; Chislova, I. V.; Zvereva, I. A.
2015Alteration of paramagnetic centers in MoO3 and TiO2 : MoO3 composites after heating under reducing atmosphereBoboriko, N. E.; Mychko. D. I.
2015Properties of lead sulfide films deposited from [Pb(CH3COO)2(N2H4CS)2] complex compoundOvechkina, N. M.; Lukin, A. N.; Semenov, V. N.; Fedukin, A. V.; Nikitin, L. N.
2015Synthesis and chemical nature of the products of Со(ІІ) and Mg phosphates coprecipitationAntraptseva, N. M.; Bila, G. N.
2015Behavior of different models of graphene under tension. Quantum chemical and finite element method calculationsMatulis, Vad. E.; Matulis, Vit. E.; Nagorny, Y. E.; Repchenkov, V. I.; Ivashkevich, O. A.
2015The effect of UV treatment on the properties of TiO2 with gold additivesTrofimov, N. S.; Troyan, D. V.; Chechlova, T. K.; Mikhalenko, I. I.
2015Electrochemical deposition of calcium phosphates in polyvinyl alcoholMusskaya, O. N.; Krut’ko, V. K.; Kulak, A. I.