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Browsing "2019. Actual environmental problems" by Issue Date

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Assessment of the environmental situation in the port cities of NSRChepliaeva, P.
2019Patterns of cadmium and lithium ions effect on yeast cellsAfonin, A.; Lyapunova, E.; Komarova, I.
2019DRD2 gene as a marker of stress-resistanceYanchuck, E.; Mosse, I.; Drozdov, I.
2019Chemical mixing systemAstreyko, A.; Lefanova, I.
2019Complement system as a biomarket of cardiovascular diseasesVolodashchik, T.
2019Effectiveness of prenatal diagnostics of congenital development disorders in the Republic of Belarus according to the data of the Belarusian registerChirlina, S.; Ershova-Pavlova, A.; Kokorina, N.
2019Antioxidant activity of dairy mixtures for child nutritionYushkevich, M.; Tarun, E.
2019Rationing and control of skin, hands and feet irradiationBlagodarova, Y.; Tushin, N.
2019Influence of the Kopyl branch of OJSC “Slutsk cheese-making plant” on the Mazha RiverBarkovskaya, A.; Kalinin, M.
2019Theoretical model of physisorption effect of co on Coniine and Furanocoumarins for air purificationCheplya, V.; Shahab, S.; Murashko, M.
2019Optimization of radiation protection at NPP. ALARA procedure and examples of its practical applicationDvorakovskiy, A.; Tushin, N.
2019Wetland birds of Minsk as a potential focus of cercariosisLazavy, O.; Khandohiy, A.; Gomel, K.
2019Frequencies of coloring phenotypes of synanthropic urban pigeon (columba livia f.urbana) in regional cities of BelarusHandogiy, I.
2019Bioindication as the basic method of analysis of the ecological condition of the districts of MinskKulesh, T.; Makarevich, A.; Andronchik, I.
2019Method development for determination of pharmaceutical waste in water by UV-Vis spectroscopyLobova, E.; Pytlyak, E.; Chikova, T.; Savastenko, N.
2019Use of spectral reflectance method for monitoring of plant traits and drought stress effects in wheatFilaček, A.; Barboričová, M.
2019International approaches to assessment of exposure dose to population due to discharges from nuclear power plants into water bodiesHuseinava, D.
2019Content assessment of inorganic substances in the ambient air of the Sterlitamak city in 2010–2012Kulakova, E.; Safarov, A.
2019Estimation of heavy metal soil pollution in the impact area of a cement enterprise using the method of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopyDybchik, K.; Samusik, E.
2019Prevention of pollution with heavy metals of hydroecosystems – one of the ways in realization of sustainable developmentFedoniuk, L.; Skyba, O.