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Title: Preparation and investigation of spherical powder made from corrosion-resistant 316L steel with the addition of 0.2% and 0.5% Ag
Authors: Kaplan, M. A.
Gorbenko, A. D.
Ivannikov, A. Y.
Konushkin, S. V.
Kirsankin, A. A.
Baikin, A. S.
Sergienko, K. V.
Nasakina, E. O.
Mikhailova, A. V.
Rumyantsev, B .A.
Gorudko, I. V.
Kolmakov, A. G.
Simakin, A. V.
Gudkov, S. V.
Oshkukov, S. A.
Sevostyanov, M. A.
Issue Date: 2022
Citation: Materials. – 2022. – Vol. 15. – P. 7887.
Abstract: Abstract: The paper describes the production and study of spherical powder made from corrosion-resistant 316L steel with the addition of 0.2% and 0.5% Ag. The study of granulometric composition, morphology, fluidity and bulk density, phase composition, microhardness and impurity composition of the spherical powders was carried out. The study showed compliance of the spherical powders with the requirements for powders used for additive manufacturing. The fluidity of the powders was 17.9 s, and the bulk density was 3.76 g/cm3. The particles have a spherical shape with a minimum number of defects and an austenitic-ferritic structure. The study of the phase composition of ingots, wires and powders showed that the ingot structure of all samples consists of austenite. According to the results of studies of the phase composition of the wire, there is a decrease in γ-Fe and an increase in α-Fe and σ-NiCr in going from wire No. 1 to wire No. 3. According to the results of studies of the phase composition of the powder particles, there are three phases, γ-Fe, α-Fe, and Fe3O4 . The study of microhardness showed a decrease in HV depending on the increase in silver. The hardness of the powder is lower than that of the ingot by 16-24% due to the presence of a ferritic phase in the powder. As a result of plasma spraying, an increase in residual oxygen is observed, which is associated with the oxidation of the melt during plasma dispersion. The amount of nitrogen and sulfur does not change, while the amount of carbon and hydrogen decreases, and the impurities content corresponds to the standards for corrosion-resistant steel. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the silver content in the samples indicates that it was not affected by the stages involved in obtaining the spherical powder. Keywords: corrosion-resistant steel; silver; plasma dispersion; spherical powder; granulometric composition; morphology; fluidity; bulk density; microhardness; phase composition; impurity composition
URI: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/290463
DOI: 10.3390/ma15227887
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Кафедра биофизики (статьи)

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