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Title: Особенности товарной структуры внешней торговли Республики Беларусь
Other Titles: Peculiarities of Commodity Structure of Foreign Trade of the Republic of Belarus (Dmitry Reshetnikov)
Authors: Решетников, Дмитрий Георгиевич
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Международное общественное объединение по изучению ООН и информационно-образовательным программам
Citation: Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2002. — № 3
Abstract: The article contains the study of commodity structure of the foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus based on statistical analysis. The author notes the role of foreign trade activities in the development of national economy. On the basis of the analysis of a group of macroeconomic indices the author introduces the typology of industrially developed countries considering the volume and efficiency level of their export activities. The article describes the dynamics, geography and state of the sales markets of basic export Belarusian goods. It points out the problems of l ow competitiveness of national produce on the markets of economically developed countries. The author analyses the science capacity of the export produce. He shows the substantial differentiation of the export commodity structure and technology level of exported goods along the main geographical directions (the CIS memberstates and other countries). The article examines the issues of expanding of the export potential of the sector of services, shows the current structure of foreign trade in services. It also notes the role of the export of services in the stabilization of the balance of trade in Belarus.
Description: Раздел - "Международные экономические отношения"
URI: http://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/29210
Appears in Collections:Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. — 2002. — № 3

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