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Title: Chronology of Micromammal Assemblages on the Territory of Belarus in the Late Glacial and Holocene
Authors: Ivanov, Dmitry
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Pomorska Akademia Pedagogiczna
Citation: Słupskie Prace Geograficzne. - 2016, № 13. - S. 179-196
Abstract: The dynamics of species composition and community structure of Micromammalia on chronological periods from Late Glacial to Holocene are analyzed. For each time period typical associations and the dominant ecological groups are identified, as well as the most typical marker species of micromammalia. By the ecological groups superlative and the relationship in the species composition within the history of microtheriocomplex during Late Glacial-Holocene nine phases were outlined for Belarus. These phases reflect the quantitative and qualitative changes in the microtheriocomplex due to changes in climatic conditions and successional dynamics of the landscapes, and anthropogenic impacts on the biocenosis since the second half of the Middle Holocene.
URI: https://elib.bsu.by/handle/123456789/298852
Licence: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Appears in Collections:Кафедра общего землеведения и гидрометеорологии (статьи)

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