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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Too many skew normal distributions? The practitioneer’s PerspectiveCharemza, Wojciech; D´ıaz, Carlos; Makarova, Svetlana
2013R tools for robust statistical analysis of high–dimensional dataTodorov, V.; Filzmoser, P.
2013Rank tests for multi-sample location problemStoimenova, Eugenia
2013Regression smoothing kalman filterZalesky, B. A.
2013Parameter estimation in the models with long-range dependenceMishura, Y. S.; Ralchenko, K. V.; Shevchenko, G. M.
2013On acquisition of nociceptive evoked potentials In rats cerebral cortexKolchin, A. V.; Ionkina, E. G.
2013Fourier–type estimation of the power garch model with stable–paretian innovationsFrancq, C.; Meintanis, S. G.
2013Comparative analysis of similarity measures for medical streaming dataBernataviˇ cien˙ e, Jolita; Bazileviˇ cius, Gediminas; Dzemyda, Gintautas; Medvedev, Viktor
2013Providing data with high utility and no disclosure risk for the public and researchers: an evaluation by advanced statistical disclosure risk methodsTempl, M.
2013Some remarks on robust estimation of power spectraShevlyakov, G. L.; Lyubomishchenko, N. S.; Smirnov, P. O.
2013Some specification aspects for three-factor models of a company’s production potential taking into account intllectual capitalAivazian, S.; Afanasiev, M.; Rudenko, V.
2013Sparse principal balances for high-dimensional compositional dataMert, Can; Filzmoser, Peter; Hron, Karel
2013Application of residual empirical processes to robust linear hypotheses testing in autoregressionEsaulov, D. M.
2013A projection-pursuit method for sparse robust pcaFilzmoser, P.
2013Approximate formulas for expectation of functionals from solution to stochastic equation with random measureEgorov, A. D.
2013The joint distribution of the standardized maximum and standardized minimum for a normal sampleShiryaeva, L. K.
2013On the exact tolerance intervals for univariate normal distributionWitkovsky, Viktor
2013Misclassification probability based on linear discriminant function for sar error modelsDuˇcinskas, K.; Karaliut'e, M.; ˇSimkien'e, I.
2013On formulas of linear interpolation for operators generated by solutions of stochastic differential equationsYanovich, L. A.
2013On outliers and interventions in count time series following glmsFried, R.; Elsaied, H.; Liboschik, T.