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2014Cross sections of the reaction 115 In (γ,γ) 115mIn in the E1 giant resonance regionDzhilavyan, L. Z.
2014Recent results on п+ п- electroproduction off protonsFedotov, G. V.; Burkert, V. D.; Gothe, R. W.; Mokeev, V. I.; Ishkhanov, B. S.
2014Measurement of the reaction rates in 232 Th samples irradiated by 4 GeV deuterons and secondary neutronsAdam, J.; Haysak, I.; Vrzalova, J.; Zavorka, L.; Kish, Yu. V.; Solnyshkin, A. A.; Tyutyunnikov, S. I.; Khushvaktov, J.; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V. M.; Chilap, V.
2014new results of nucleon resonances studies in photo and electroproduction of charged pions in clasIsupov, E. L.; Burkert, V. D.; Gothe, R. W.; Golovach, E. N.; Ishkhanov, B. S.; Mokeev, V. I; Skorodumina, Y. A.; Fedotov, G. V.
2002Модификация структуры и свойств поверхностных слоев стали у8а при воздействии на нее компрессионным плазменным потокомАсташинский, В. В.; Свешников, Ю. В.
2014Mechanisms of hydrogen isotope formation during preequilibrium stage of stopped pion absorption reactionChernyshev, B. A.; Gurov, Yu. B.; Korotkova, L. Yu.; Lapushkin, S. V.; Leonova, T. I.; Pritula, R. V.; Schurenkova, T. D.
2024Foundations & Advances in Nonlinear Science (22th International Conference) and Advances in Nonlinear Photonics (7th International Symposium), Minsk, September 23–27, 2024 : Programme and Book of abstracts-
2014Light hadron production in Cu+Au collisions at 200 GeVKotov, D. O.; Berdnikov, Yu. A.; Samsonov, V. M.; Riabov, V. G.; Riabov, Yu. G.; Ivanishchev, D. A.
2014Study of progectile fragmentation of 40Ar on 9Be target at 40*A MeVErdemchimeg, B.; Mikhailova, T. I.; Artyukh, A. G.; Toro, M. Di.; Sereda, G. Yu. M.; Wolter, H. H.
2024Gluon dominance model and multiplicity distributions of hadronsKokoulina, Elena