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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Phase composition and mechanical properties of Cu–Ti alloys synthesized in the surface layer of copper by plasma impact on the Ti/Cu systemCherenda, N. N.; Uglov, V. V.; Laskovnev, A. P.; Astashynski, V. M.; Kuzmitski, A. M.
2018Modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy element and phase composition by compression plasma flows impactCherenda, N. N.; Basalai, A. V.; Shymanski, V. I.; Uglov, V. V.; Astashynski, V. M.; Kuzmitski, A. M.; Laskovnev, A. P.
2024Ab initio potential energy surfaces and spectroscopic and radiative properties of the low-lying states of the radium monohydroxide RaOH radicalOsika, Yuliya; Sharashkin, Sergey; Pitsevich, George; Shundalau, Maksim
2024Potential and kinetic interaction of two internal tops in molecules belonging to C2v(M) molecular symmetry groupPitsevich, George A.; Malevich, Alex E.; Sapeshka, Uladzimir U.
2023Torsional IR spectra of three conformers of the resorcinol moleculePitsevich, G.; Malevich, A.
2023Modelling of the torsional IR spectra of the HSSSH, DSSSH, and DSSSD moleculesPitsevich, G. A.; Malevich, A. E.; Sapeshka, U.U.; Kisuryna, D.; Doroshenko, I.Yu.
2023A convenient set of vibrational coordinates for 2D calculation of the tunneling splittings of the ground state and some excited vibrational states for the inversion motion in H3O+ , H3O- , and H3OPitsevich, George A.; Malevich, Alex E.; Kamnev, Alexander A.
2024Exceptional PointsNovitsky, Denis V.; Novitsky, Andrey V.
8-May-2022High sensitivity electrochemical DNA sensors for detection of somatic mutations in FFPE samplesEgorova, V. P.; Grushevskaya, H. V.; Krylova, N. G.; Lipnevich, I. V.; Vaskovtsev, E. V.; Babenka, A.; Anufreyonak, I.; Smirnov, S.
2022The effect of quasi-free graphene layer on the electrical transport properties of sandwich-like graphene / Co nanoparticles / graphene structureBayev, V.; Rybin, M.; Svito, I.; Przewoźnik, J.; Kapusta, Cz.; Kasiuk, J.; Vorobyova, S.; Konakov, A.; Obraztsova, E.